View Passaic- Horseneck Rd. - Bloomfield Ave. Jan 1st 2012 in a larger map
Drainage area: | 349 mi2 |
Discharge: | 1400 cfs |
Stage: | 17.06 ft |
Date: | 2012-01-02 18:00:00 |
Flood stage: | 19 ft |
Percentile: | 83.02 % |
Class symbol: | |
% normal (median): | 261.68 % |
% normal (mean): | 189.73 % |
After abandoning my paddle up the Pequannock, I came down to the Passaic to add another section to my exploration. It tuned into a beautiful day- so warm I managed with only two layers on the bottom and three on top ( approx 5-6 degrees C). The sun was shining and the wind was calm. A perfect day for it.
There was little wildlife- Saw a bunch of 8 deer and one large raptor- a large hawk / eagle .
There was little wildlife- Saw a bunch of 8 deer and one large raptor- a large hawk / eagle .
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